Sustainable Business Transformation (MBA)

Tomorrow University

Institution Tomorrow University Ort remote / online Abschluss Master of Business Administration (MBA) Weitere Studiengänge Social Entrepreneurship CSR Social Business Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement CSR Management

Transform the business world with our flagship Impact MBA in Sustainable Business Transformation. Designed for professionals committed to leading sustainable and innovative practices, this remote program empowers you with the skills and mindset needed to transform your organization and industry from within.

This MBA nurtures innovative thinking, future visioning, and the ability to address complex societal challenges, equipping you to spearhead transformative and impactful sustainability initiatives on a global scale.

Position yourself as a transformative leader ready to inspire and empower teams, driving impactful change in today's complex business landscape.

Program Highlights

  • Innovative Thinking: Cultivate the ability to think creatively and develop innovative solutions for sustainability challenges.
  • Future Visioning: Learn to anticipate future trends and craft strategies that position your organization for long-term success.
  • Complex Problem Solving: Gain expertise in addressing complex societal challenges through sustainable business practices.
  • Practical Sustainability Projects: Engage in hands-on projects that address real-world sustainability challenges within various industries.

What to Expect

  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Gain a holistic understanding of the intersection between sustainability, innovation, and technology.
  • Industry Relevance: Work with leading research institutions and tech companies on applied research projects, and learn how to leverage technology to ideate and lead sustainability initiatives.
  • Personalized Learning Journey: Tailor your education through specialized tracks and extracurricular activities that align with your career goals, values, and personal mission.
  • No Exams, Challenge-Based Learning: Engage in practical projects that teach you how to apply research across fields, and develop solutions to complex issues through hands-on, real-world experiences.
  • Career Opportunities: Be well-prepared for roles such as Change Manager, Sustainable Business Leader, Innovation Director, and more.

Tailored to Your Aspirations

By joining our program, you will access cutting-edge resources, a network of leading industry experts and research institutions, and a support system that extends beyond graduation. Explore the different areas of specialization and discover the program that aligns with your vision for a sustainable future.

Career Opportunities

Graduates will be well-prepared for a variety of impactful roles, including:

  • Change Manager: Lead and manage change initiatives that drive sustainable business practices.
  • Sustainable Business Leader: Drive sustainable growth and innovation within established companies.
  • Innovation Director: Oversee the development and implementation of innovative solutions that drive business success.
  • Corporate Responsibility Manager: Ensure that business operations align with social and environmental responsibility standards.
  • Sustainability Program Director: Design and manage programs that promote environmental responsibility and sustainable business practices.
  • Sustainable Technology Manager: Lead projects focused on the development and implementation of sustainable technologies.
  • Impact Technology Product Lead: Guide the creation and market introduction of technology products that drive social and environmental impact.
  • Business Development Manager: Identify new business opportunities and strategies for growth with a focus on sustainability.
  • Strategic Partnership Manager: Develop and manage partnerships that drive sustainable innovation and business growth.
  • Sustainability Consultant: Advise organizations on integrating sustainable practices and innovative technologies into their operations.


  • fully remote
  • part time or full time
  • 60 ECTS - 12 Months or
  • 90 ECTS - 18 Months

Program Tuition Fees

Version 1: 60 ECTS -12 Months

Pay in 12 installments* - 875,- per month

Pay in 30 installements * - 381,- per month

Total price after reductions: €10.500*

Version 2: 90 ECTS - 18 Months

Pay in 18 installments* - 639,- per month

Pay in 42 installements* - 307,- per month

Total price after reductions: €11.500*

*after Scholarships & Early Application Benefit

Depending on payment modality further discounts are possible.


Admission Criteria

At Tomorrow University, we recognize that impactful leadership goes beyond standardized test scores (no GRE/GMAT required).

The eligibility criteria for the Impact MBA include previous academic formation through a bachelor or master's program or vocational training, a minimum of one year of relevant working experience as well as English proficiency. In addition, we value your purpose and the impact you aim to create, assessing how it aligns with our community.

The admissions process requires the following steps:

  • Eligibility check
  • Hand in a letter of motivation and additional information
  • Application review by ToU
  • Interview with ToU
  • Sign the contract


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