Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL) Advisor - Western Balkans Programme

Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL) Advisor - Western Balkans Programme

Organisation: Pro Peace | Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst e.V.
Ort: Belgrade, Serbia, Deutschland


Pro Peace (formerly forumZFD) is seeking a full-time PMEL Advisor to join our dedicated team in the Western Balkans preferably starting 15th of June 2025.

Who we are

Pro Peace empowers people all around the globe in their commitment to peace. The international non-profit organisation fosters non-violent conflict transformation and paves ways to build a more just and peaceful future.

Founded in 1996, Pro Peace is today active in 13 countries in Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia. Civil society actors who are committed to peace and non-violence in conflicts form the focus of the organisation's work. Pro Peace advises and supports them, collaborates on projects and campaigns together for sustainable peace policies.

Pro Peace is a government-recognised member of the Civil Peace Service (CPS) consortium and a signatory of the Transparent Civil Society Initiative.

Pro Peace has been operational in the Western Balkans since 1999, and currently operates as a Regional Programme in four countries – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia. The programme team includes staff based in each country, plus a Regional Office (in Belgrade) which provides support functions such as finance management, PMEL, fundraising, advocacy and communications.

The current programme in the Western Balkans (2023-2026) is made up of three projects targeting (1) youth and educational actors, (2) the media and CSOs and (3) research, arts and cultural actors. Working with a wide range of local CSO partners, the projects focus on reaching and supporting these target groups to understand, share and promote messages and take actions in response to peace and needs for dealing with the past in order to attain long-term sustainable peace throughout the region.

Your tasks and responsibilities

As PMEL Advisor in the Western Balkans programme you will fulfil one of three Advisor roles (PMEL, Fundraising, Communications/Advocacy), all based and working closely together in the Regional Office, to provide a range of support to staff and management in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia. Your role focuses on the application and implementation of PMEL throughout the programme. This includes supporting planning and monitoring processes, leading on consolidated reporting, developing evaluation processes and ensuring learning is captured and fed back into programme and project development.

The position is part of the global network of PMEL Advisors from across all Pro Peace’s programmes. This cross-programme PMEL Team works together to link local and organizational PMEL practices, and encourage sharing and learning throughout the organization.

Your main tasks include:

  • Leading on the further development and implementation of PMEL standards and approaches in close cooperation with the Regional Management Team (including all Country Directors, Director of the Regional Office and Head of Programme Western Balkans), and Project Managers and Officers in the four countries;
  • Working closely with the programme team to design and implement PMEL activities, e.g. supporting annual (online) planning processes, further developing and implementing the monitoring system at programme and project levels, facilitating and documenting reflection and learning;
  • Supporting report writing across the programme to ensure consistent approaches, particualrly focusing on consolidated reporting (across projects, offices, advisor functions);
  • Identifying evaluation needs and opportunities across the programme and supporting the implementation of any evaluation processes;
  • Introducing PMEL standards and approaches to new programme staff;
  • Supporting the development process for each new programme cycle, including systemic conflict analysis and strategy development using outcome mapping;
  • Playing an active role in supporting the development and coordination of PMEL practices across the organization as part of the PMEL Team, including participating in regular calls and meetings (including an annual face to face meeting), representing the PMEL team, as needed, in organization-wide processes
  • Supporting the development of a knowledge management system for the programme;
  • Other tasks as agreed with the Directors and Head of Programme within the Regional Management Team.

Your profile:

  • Advanced university degree with a minimum of 5 years of work experience in the field of planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning in an NGO field;
  • Knowledge of and experience in working with systemic approaches to PMEL in the area of peacebuilding and conflict transformation preferably with Systemic Conflict Analysis and Outcome Mapping;
  • Experience in collecting and documenting qualitative and quantitative monitoring data (experience with behavioral and attitude change data is a strong asset);
  • Experience in facilitating and supporting planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning processes both in person and online;
  • Strong intercultural sensitivity and ability to work in a (global) team and under time pressure;
  • Proven ability to think strategically and conceptually, to support the development of projects and to consider PMEL requirements and how to adapt these to the needs of various donors;
  • Ability to work independently, with limited technical support and guidance;
  • Experience of engaging with different teams, in person and virtually;
  • Familiarity with key thematic areas and specific contexts of civil peace work and conflict transformation in the Western Balkans is an asset;
  • Experience of undertaking project evaluations is an asset;
  • Excellent command of written and spoken English;
  • Driver’s license and driving experience.

Our offer

We offer an attractive position with responsibilities for a minimum of two years in a growing organisation. We also offer participation in qualification and professional development courses (among others, at our Academy for Conflict Transformation), a project-based preparation, regular coaching and, where appropriate, participation in a language course, if needed.  Working for Pro Peace, you will also have the opportunity to contribute your ideas and skills in our innovative field of conflict transformation and peacebuilding.

Start of assignment

Preferably 15th of June 2025 (preparation courses, followed by at a two-year contract with the option of extension).

Your application

Please apply online at (motivation letter, CV and contact details of 2-3 persons who may provide personal references) latest by 16th of April 2025.

Interviews are tentatively planned for 9th and 10th of May 2025. In case of any questions, please feel free to contact

Please find further information about our organisation and our work online at  This and other vacancy announcements can be viewed at

We are looking forward to your application!

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